Try the app for free improves on the tried and true RAID log by rebuilding it on a modern SaaS platform. Use it alongside your task management platform to ensure your plan goes to plan.

About the book

The Ultimate Guide to RAID Log
by Kim Essendrup

This book will introduce you to RAID logs and help you learn how to use them so your projects can immediately benefit.

© Copyright 2022 Kim Essendrup

Excerpts from the Ultimate Guide to RAID Log may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without author’s permission

Manage Down – Project Reviews for my PM’s

If you manage project managers or if you are a project sponsor and want to be actively engaged in your project’s activities, a regularly scheduled RAID log review is a great way to monitor and support PM’s and their projects in a structured way without micromanaging. These reviews both set expectations and provide a coaching opportunity.

To do this, schedule a recurring 1:1 meeting with your PM on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, depending on the scale and risk level of the project. The agenda will simply be a review of the RAID log. You can either keep this review high level by focusing only on the highest priority items, or you can drill down into the details, depending on how granular you want to get.

As the project manager presents their RAID log, check in and give feedback on their approach, level of detail and how they are managing RAID items through to completion. It’s the perfect tool for a positive comprehensive review and for providing constructive feedback.


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