We empower Project Managers

We are RAIDLOG.com: a modernized, SaaS based version of an old-school project management tool, the RAID log.
Our Mission
Modernize RAID management and save 1 million projects from failure

We started RAIDLOG because we’ve been in your shoes. Our founders are career Project and Portfolio leaders who know what it takes to make projects succeed, and the pain that comes when projects stumble. You don’t have to worry, we know how tough it really is.
The cost is high
We have implemented top-tier Project and Portfolio management tools for nearly 1,000 organizations, and realized that none of the tools out there were specifically designed to help Project Managers succeed.
Your Existing tools are not working
The way you’re currently tracking projects is likely producing large gaps. Spending time over the last 20 years helping hundreds of organizations, like yours, we’ve learned how to stop project failures, saving companies millions of dollars.
We are here to replace the ubiquitous RAID log and become the essential tool for all project managers.
We are dedicated to helping you, one of the world’s 16 million project leaders succeed in executing projects the right way.
Our Purpose
Our Purpose is to modernize RAID management and help all Project Managers deliver more successfully.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to save 1 million projects from failure worldwide by 2030.
Our Story
Before RAIDLOG.com, Kim and team founded a consultancy which implemented enterprise-class project management tools around the globe.
Unfortunately what they found was that, no matter how flexible the project management tool, they all had one major crack: they didn’t help Project Managers effectively manage RAID Logs.
From this gap, a company was born: RAIDLOG. It was founded on “real project success”, the notion that project leaders want help staying on top of their projects and managing the real causes of project problems.
Today, the real project success movement continues to empower project managers around the world to prevent unmanaged Risks, neglected Action Items, unresolved Issues and poor Decision making.
Our Promise
Our Promise is to make RAIDLOG.com the ultimate tool to help project managers successfully run or rescue any project and to take some of the pain out of project leadership.