Try the app for free improves on the tried and true RAID log by rebuilding it on a modern SaaS platform. Use it alongside your task management platform to ensure your plan goes to plan.

About the book

The Ultimate Guide to RAID Log
by Kim Essendrup

This book will introduce you to RAID logs and help you learn how to use them so your projects can immediately benefit.

© Copyright 2022 Kim Essendrup

Excerpts from the Ultimate Guide to RAID Log may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without author’s permission

2) Categorize & Organize

The next step is to categorize your risks. This will make it easier to manage the rest of the process. How you categorize them depends on your particular situation and will vary by project. You may choose to organize them by who will be involved in responding to the risks (HR, architecture team, support desk, marketing), how they are caused (risks caused by weather, risks caused by customer behavior, risk caused by technology), or by the kind of impacts (legal and compliance related risks, health and safety risks, etc.). Use whatever categorization, or multiple categories, that make it easiest for you to manage your risks.


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