October 22, 2024

Case Study: Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC)

Executive Summary

The implementation of RAIDLOG at CHOC not only optimized project management processes but also fostered a cultural shift toward collaboration and accountability among stakeholders. This enhancement was achieved through several key benefits, including standardized management of RAID items, improved accessibility, and significant time savings through the elimination of meeting minutes. Furthermore, the measurable reduction in risk, issue, and decision timelines significantly improved project outcomes by streamlining how risks are escalated and addressed.


Customer Spotlight

Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) is a renowned healthcare provider, recognized for its specialized care for children. The organization had a mature risk management framework in place prior to adopting RAIDLOG, which was particularly essential for managing projects ranging from six months to two years in duration. For instance, during a two-year initiative focused on improving pediatric care, the team conducted frequent risk assessments to avoid delays in patient services. By incorporating RAIDLOG, they were able to streamline their risk, issue, and decision-making processes, ultimately improving project delivery and stakeholder engagement.


Project Objective

CHOC sought to enhance its existing risk management processes by introducing RAIDLOG, aiming to reduce administrative overhead and promote collaboration. A critical focus was the reduction of delays in decision-making during pivotal projects, such as efforts to minimize emergency room wait times. These initiatives required real-time risk and issue updates to ensure swift and accurate decision-making across various teams, including clinical and IT departments.


Project Solution

 The adoption of RAIDLOG provided a centralized platform for managing all RAID items, replacing disparate tools such as OneNote and Word. This consolidation enabled all stakeholders, regardless of their technical background, to engage with project data consistently and in real-time. For example, previously, a project manager would manually track risks in Word while team members would communicate updates via email. RAIDLOG eliminated this fragmentation, ensuring that all updates were recorded in one place and immediately accessible to everyone.


Key Features and Benefits

  1. Standardized Management of RAID Items: RAIDLOG standardized how RAID items (risks, actions, issues, decisions) were documented and managed, enabling consistent engagement from all project stakeholders. For example, all team members, including clinical staff unfamiliar with technical project management software, could now easily access and update RAID items in real time without confusion or duplication of effort.
  2. Time Savings from the Elimination of Meeting Minutes: One of the most significant outcomes was the reduction in time spent on administrative tasks, particularly the preparation of meeting minutes. RAIDLOG’s ability to be updated in real-time during meetings meant that project managers no longer had to compile and distribute minutes after the fact. This saved approximately 2-5 hours per project per week. For instance, during weekly risk meetings for a hospital-wide system upgrade, the project team could focus solely on addressing risks rather than documenting discussions.
  3.  Reduction in Risk, Issue, and Decision Timelines: By centralizing all project data, RAIDLOG accelerated the identification and resolution of risks, issues, and decisions. CHOC saw a 30% reduction in the time taken to resolve risks and issues, thanks to streamlined processes and immediate access to relevant data. For example, in a project focused on improving IT infrastructure, the response time to escalating a critical risk was reduced from five days to just three days, preventing delays in system deployment.
  4.  Increased Collaboration and Accountability: With RAIDLOG’s user-friendly interface, stakeholders from various departments could actively contribute to project updates, leading to increased accountability. For instance, a cross-functional team involving clinical and IT staff used RAIDLOG to collectively manage risks during the deployment of new software for patient care. This collaboration ensured that each department had visibility into the risks and was empowered to take ownership of mitigation strategies.
  5.  Consistent Documentation: RAIDLOG became the single source of truth for all project-related data, drastically reducing the confusion that arose from scattered documentation systems. Prior to RAIDLOG, project managers relied on various tools like Excel or OneNote, leading to discrepancies in data and project timelines. With RAIDLOG, historical project data was easily searchable, ensuring that PMs and stakeholders had immediate access to past decisions and could avoid unnecessary disputes.


Project Results and Benefits

  1.  Time Savings: Administrative workload across 40 projects was significantly reduced, saving an estimated 2-5 hours per week per project. In one notable instance, a team managing an IT upgrade cut their administrative tasks from 8 hours to just 3 hours weekly by leveraging RAIDLOG’s real-time updates.
  2.  Reduction in Risk, Issue, and Decision Timelines: RAIDLOG’s centralized system led to a 30% reduction in the time required to escalate and resolve issues, as demonstrated during a project aimed at upgrading the hospital’s IT systems. This reduction helped the team avoid delays in critical project phases and ensured timely interventions. For decision-making, RAIDLOG enabled immediate access to all relevant information, shortening decision cycles and improving overall project efficiency.
  3. Improved Collaboration: The ease of contributing to RAIDLOG reinforced a culture of collaboration across teams. For example, during a hospital-wide initiative to improve patient care, both doctors and IT professionals used RAIDLOG to document and address risks associated with new systems. This cross-functional teamwork resulted in faster resolution of issues and enhanced project alignment.
  4. Consistent Documentation and Fewer Surprises: Having all RAID items in one place reduced the risk of missed updates or discrepancies in project documentation. Project managers were no longer surprised by issues that had gone unnoticed, as RAIDLOG provided a complete and real-time view of the project landscape.


Project Inspiration

The success of CHOC with RAIDLOG illustrates the critical role of having a dedicated tool that enhances not only operational efficiency but also transforms the organizational culture. Other organizations looking to improve their project management frameworks can take note of CHOC’s experience, particularly how RAIDLOG helped foster an environment of collaboration and accountability.

By implementing RAIDLOG, CHOC has set a benchmark for efficient project management in healthcare settings. The transition to a standardized tool not only streamlined their risk management processes but also encouraged a more engaged and collaborative project environment, leading to improved outcomes for both projects and stakeholders.


Final Thoughts

RAIDLOG’s implementation at CHOC not only streamlined project management processes but also resulted in significant cost savings. By eliminating meeting minutes, CHOC saved between 4,160 to 10,400 hours annually, which translates to cost savings equivalent to 1 to 5 full-time project management roles. Additionally, the reduction in risk, issue, and decision timelines by 30% led to fewer delays, preventing costly overruns in project schedules.

For organizations looking to optimize their project management practices, RAIDLOG offers a proven solution that enhances collaboration, reduces administrative burdens, and delivers measurable improvements in project outcomes. By accelerating issue resolution, RAIDLOG allows project teams to focus on strategic priorities rather than administrative tasks, driving greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness across the organization.

RAIDLOG not only helps teams stay aligned but also cultivates a culture of transparency and trust, where every stakeholder knows what to expect and can contribute to the project’s success.


“IT WAS A GAME CHANGER. Now it’s more collaborative. Sharing the load across the team has made the teams a lot stronger because folks have skin in the game.” This reflects the overall sentiment that RAIDLOG has fundamentally improved teamwork and project success at CHOC.

Brian Summons

PMO Leader, CHOC Children's Hospital


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