When Sensitive Issues Arise, You Need More Than a Typical RAID Log
Most RAID log platforms treat visibility as all-or-nothing—either everyone with access sees an item, or it stays off the record. That means sensitive risks, issues, and decisions often go unlogged, leading to gaps in accountability and communication. With RAIDLOG’s new Private Flag feature, that’s no longer a problem.
Case Study: Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC)
Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) is a renowned healthcare provider, recognized for its specialized care for children. The organization had a mature risk management framework in place prior to adopting RAIDLOG, which was particularly essential for managing projects ranging from six months to two years in duration. For instance, during a two-year initiative focused on improving pediatric care, the team conducted frequent risk assessments to avoid delays in patient services. By incorporating RAIDLOG, they were able to streamline their risk, issue, and decision-making processes, ultimately improving project delivery and stakeholder engagement.
In the high-stakes world of healthcare IT, project management isn’t just about meeting deadlines and budgets—it’s about enhancing patient care through successful technology implementations. Yet, with 17% of large IT projects posing risks so significant they threaten the entire organization (Bloch et al., 2012), healthcare IT Project Management Offices (PMOs) face immense challenges. Enter the RAID log: a powerful tool for managing Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions that’s transforming how healthcare organizations approach project management.
RAID Logs: Bridging System 1 and System 2 Thinking in Project Management
In the fast-paced world of project management, the ability to make sound decisions and navigate complex challenges is paramount. Yet, all too often, project managers find themselves relying on quick intuitions and gut feelings—what psychologist Daniel Kahneman calls “System 1” thinking. While this rapid, instinctive thinking has its place, it can lead to costly mistakes and oversights in the intricate landscape of project management.
Enter the RAID log—a powerful tool that stands for Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions. Far from being a mere administrative burden, RAID logs serve as a bridge between our fast, intuitive thinking and the more deliberate, analytical “System 2” thinking that Kahneman identifies as crucial for complex problem-solving.
Mitigate, Don’t Litigate: Why RAID Logs are Non-Negotiable in Contract Projects
Explore why RAID logs are crucial for contract projects in our latest blog. Understand how they help mitigate risks, prevent legal disputes, and ensure smoother project execution. Learn about the non-negotiable importance of RAID logs in effectively managing contract projects, leading to successful outcomes and minimizing potential issues. Read now to enhance your project management strategy.
Why ‘Change Requests’ are a critical part of your RAID log
Discover why change requests are a critical component of your RAID log. This article explains how integrating change requests can enhance project control and improve decision-making processes. Understanding their importance can lead to more efficient and successful project management. Learn how effectively managing change requests within your RAID log ensures project outcomes are met with fewer surprises and more strategic planning. Dive into these essential insights to improve your project management skills and achieve better results.