RAIDLOG Join Forces for Enhanced Project Management Success

Powerful Colaboration

Month 1


Goal: To launch the co-partner marketing strategy by publishing a press release, promoting it through social media channels, and initiating an email newsletter campaign (if applicable) to introduce the RAIDLOG and new partner relationship.



Week 1

  • Task: Schedule a Kickoff meeting with new RAIDLOG Partner, Partner manager and Marketing team to discuss the co-partner marketing strategy and align goals.
  • Task: Draft a press release announcing the new partnership between RAIDLOG and you.
  • Task: Assign deadline for press release completion and publication
  • Task: Create a media list and identify relevant publications and websites to target for press release distribution.

Week 2

  • Task: Finalize and review the press release with partner.
  • Task: Distribute the press release to the identified media outlets and publications.
  • Task: Promote the press release through social media channels, focusing on platforms where both RAIDLOG and the partner have a strong presence.
  • Task: Initiate social media collaborations and cross-promotions with partner to increase the reach and engagement of both brands.

Week 3

  • Task: Launch an email newsletter campaign targeting subscribers of both RAIDLOG and the partners list (if applicable).
  • Task: Craft compelling email content highlighting the benefits of the RAIDLOG and the partners consultancy for both top-tier and middle-tier project managers.
  • Task: Partner to set up email automation for personalized follow-ups and reminders.
  • Task: Monitor and track the email campaign's performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Month 2


Goal: To engage the target audience further through a joint webinar or online event, addressing the specific pain points and challenges faced by both top-tier and middle-tier project managers, while leveraging social media promotion, email newsletters, and collaboration with you, our new RAIDLOG partner, to drive registrations and increase brand visibility.

Week 1

  • Task: Launch promotional campaigns for the webinar across RAIDLOG and your consultancy's social media platforms.
  • Task: Share webinar details and registration links through email newsletters, targeting both existing subscribers and new leads.
  • Task: Collaborate together to extend the reach of the webinar through her network and connections.

Week 2

  • Task: Launch promotional campaigns for the webinar across RAIDLOG and your consultancy's social media platforms.
  • Task: Share webinar details and registration links through email newsletters, targeting both existing subscribers and new leads.
  • Task: Collaborate together to extend the reach of the webinar through her network and connections.

Week 3

  • Task: Conduct the joint webinar or online event, delivering valuable insights and demonstrating the benefits of using RAIDLOG.
  • Task: Capture attendee data for further engagement and follow-up.
  • Task: Provide a recording or on-demand access to the webinar for those who couldn't attend live.
  • Task: Analyze webinar data and measure the success based on attendance, engagement, and conversions.

Month 3


Goal: To analyze the data collected from the previous marketing efforts, generate a comprehensive report outlining the traffic generated and conversions achieved, and identify areas for improvement and future collaboration. Implement actionable strategies based on the report findings, optimizing social media campaigns, and planning for future co-branded content.

Week 1

  • Task: Gather and analyze data from previous marketing efforts, including press release coverage, social media engagement, email campaign metrics, and webinar performance.
  • Task: Generate a comprehensive report outlining the traffic generated, conversions achieved, and ROI for RAIDLOG's top-tier and middle-tier sales funnels.

Week 2

  • Task: Identify key areas of improvement and opportunities for further collaboration between RAIDLOG and your consultancy.
  • Task: Schedule a follow-up meeting with partner and RAIDLOG to discuss the report findings and plan for future marketing initiatives.

Week 3

  • Task: Conduct the joint webinar or online event, delivering valuable insights and demonstrating the benefits of using RAIDLOG.
  • Task: Capture attendee data for further engagement and follow-up.
  • Task: Provide a recording or on-demand access to the webinar for those who couldn't attend live.
  • Task: Analyze webinar data and measure the success based on attendance, engagement, and conversions.